Thursday, November 23, 2006

Climate Change

I thought of writing about these topics considering their relevance to our lives here in this planet earth. Not many people know about the meaning of these words the layman’s point-of-view. These are the words that we often hear from the news of science topics on TV but do we really care to know what these terms mean to us?

At the age of 7, I already heard about climate change and global warming. These terms are used interchangeably and in conjunction with newer terms such as Greenhouse Gas Emission and Kyoto Protocol. In its simple meaning climate change refers to inconsistent changes in the climate due to weather conditions. The earth is getting warmer and warmer as compared to the past few decades. Our planet is facing a threat that we should be aware of. The pattern of climate change affecting various regions in the world is highly alarming.

The genius human beings played the most crucial role in climate change. Human’s consumption of energy in all aspects has tremendous contribution to climate change. We emit green house gasses when burning fuel for transportation, manufacturing and industrial plants, commercial and residential uses of energy and more.

Every human should realize the effects of the constant modernization and industrialization of the world where we live in. Every human being should contribute even in their own small way to reduce if not totally stop the climate change that will definitely affect the lives of the generations to come.

How? You can make a difference at home by simple energy conservation and by using energy efficient appliances. Buy energy efficient light bulbs and conserve energy by using thermostat for heaters and air conditioners or turning off the lights if not in used. When buying cars, use fuel efficient cars to save on fuel and reduce green gas emission by half. Follow a proper garbage disposal and put recyclables to where they should go. Industries should implement proper energy conservation in their office by encouraging their staff to carpool or take a transit. Purchasing energy efficient office appliances such as computers, using LCD monitors instead of CRT monitors, printers, energy efficient photocopiers and turn off unnecessary lights are advised.

The government encourages everyone to efficiently use our energy and by doing so rebates are being awarded to homeowners and commercial establishments who follow certain criteria when buying energy-efficient appliances. This is one way of giving incentive on top of the benefits on the quality of life that we and out futures generations will enjoy.

Other topics to follow:

Energy policy
Flue gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion
Greenhouse gas
Global warming
Hubbert peak theory
List of energy topics
Future energy development
Radiative forcing
Renewable energy
Soft energy path
Abiogenic petroleum origin

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